Post by Rufioh Nitram on Nov 29, 2012 22:10:39 GMT
(OOC date: Nov. 29)
[02:01] -- turntechGreatball [TG] began trolling amiableTerrakion [AT] at 14:01 --
[02:01] TG: sup ruffles
[02:02] AT: hey blogger guy... 1 saw you've been l1ke... comment1ng on more blogs than any of the rest of us, haha...
[02:04] TG: they need my expert critique in order to grow as people
[02:04] TG: i mean where would your blog be without my little posts enlightening you and educating you on things
[02:04] TG: how long would it have taken you to actually post a photo of the bull
[02:04] TG: and by posting thousands of followers look at you
[02:05] AT: 1t would be largely 1nact1ve haha... except for those two dudes post1ng lyr1cs.
[02:05] AT: but yeah that was a good 1dea thanks. maybe 1 just assumed people would know what 1 was talk1ng about?
[02:06] TG: yeah imma be honest most peeps would probably think its a pokemon if they dont see it at first
[02:07] AT: the trolls would know what 1 meant though... they all have lus11 of the1r own.
[02:08] AT: ( well most of them }:( )
[02:08] TG: lets be honest
[02:08] TG: the trolls arent helpful
[02:08] TG: come on
[02:08] TG: admit it with me theyre all pretty ineffective at things except tz
[02:08] TG: and tz cant see a thing
[02:09] AT: what, none of em? some of my best buds are... well wa1t... that depends how you def1ne "effect1ve"...
[02:09] TG: capable of doing tasks
[02:10] TG: and staying focused
[02:10] TG: or actually remembering things for when theyre related rather then after you find it and then they go
[02:10] TG: oh wait i saw him like a week ago
[02:10] AT: 1 dunno 1 guess uh... none of us have caught a mon yet... or got a badge... as far as 1've heard...
[02:11] AT: oh wow that's a depress1ng thought.
[02:11] AT: why you gotta be so r1ght when you're d1ss1ng my spec1es haha.
[02:12] TG: well face that fact and worry about it later
[02:12] TG: you seem almost competent
[02:12] AT: thanks?
[02:12] TG: dont worry about me sweet talking you im just playing coy here
[02:14] AT: "almost competent" 1sn't exactly a b1g ol' sweet talk... 1 guess 1t could be taken e1ther way...
[02:14] TG: youre extremely competent for a troll
[02:15] TG: and besides i still havent talked to you yet
[02:15] TG: like irl
[02:15] TG: so far me and you are just online buddies
[02:15] AT: yeah so haha don't judge my competence yet 1 guess?
[02:15] TG: like bffs without the physical connection
[02:16] AT: meet me 1n person and just f1nd me tr1pp1ng over my own w1ngs. take back everyth1ng you sa1d pr1or. ha.
[02:16] TG: it makes you slightly less incompetent to admit that youre incompetent
[02:17] AT: just k1dd1n around bro. 1'm not that bad just uh... hes1tant 1 guess.
[02:18] TG: hesitant to take our relationship to the next level
[02:18] AT: 1s that coyness aga1n...?
[02:20] TG: yes
[02:21] TG: im playing the blushing maiden here and hiding my face behind my sleeves with a little laugh
[02:21] TG: ooh senpai you do me so wrong
[02:22] AT: haha. 1 shoulda seen that com1ng r1ght? just l1ke 1n my troll an1mes.
[02:24] TG: im not even sure how that works but cool
[02:25] TG: how can an anime be both troll
[02:25] TG: and japanese
[02:26] AT: uhhhhhhh...
[02:26] AT: 1t uses the an1me art style wh1le us1ng troll characters?
[02:27] AT: maybe japan 1s m1xed trolls and humans just l1ke kanto 1s!
[02:28] TG: hahaha
[02:34] TG: its not but lets talk about this
[02:34] TG: tell me about your pokemon
[02:34] TG: you said youre going on an adventure
[02:36] AT: that's the 1ntent1on! 1 f1gure 1'll do someth1ng hero1c 1f poss1ble, wh1le search1ng for my lusus...
[02:36] AT: probably not badges though...?
[02:37] AT: as for the pokémon, m1ne's a bouffalant. call h1m t1mber.
[02:37] TG: a buffoon?
[02:37] AT: you've never heard of bouffalants?
[02:38] TG: nope
[02:38] AT: 1 dunno man open up your pokédex or whatever you got
[02:39] AT: or even google 1t...
[02:39] TG: who actually looks at the pokemon that arent even native to kanto
[02:39] AT: 1sn't that k1nd of select1ve th1nk1ng...?
[02:40] TG: well its more of the common sense thing
[02:40] TG: lemme ask this
[02:40] TG: what are the chances ill ever see a buffalo wing
[02:41] AT: f*ck dude... don't make me hungry... 1 can't let t1mber know my stomach's growl1ng at the thought of h1s meat haha...
[02:41] AT: wa1t that...
[02:41] AT: came out wrong.
[02:41] TG: HAHAHA.
[02:41] TG: just
[02:41] TG: lemme hold you
[02:41] TG: srsly ill hold you for that statement
[02:42] AT: hahaha. 1 really sh*t the bed there.
[02:42] TG: well say mouths watering would have been better
[02:42] TG: also whats with the censoring
[02:43] AT: 1 dunno 1t's just a hab1t... used to spend t1me 1n a forum that censored swears.
[02:43] TG: come on
[02:43] TG: say a swear word for me
[02:43] TG: do it for me ruffles
[02:43] AT: what why?
[02:44] TG: i take joy in corrupting the innocent?
[02:44] AT: haha you do seem l1ke the type.
[02:45] AT: ok um... wh1ch one do 1 say haha. what's the best swear you can th1nk of?
[02:45] TG: cmon just let those words cross your lips
[02:46] TG: lets go with a classic one
[02:46] TG: starts with f
[02:46] TG: ends with k
[02:46] TG: youre in there in the middle
[02:46] TG: u
[02:47] AT: 1'm go1ng to pretend 1 don't know what the fuck you're talk1ng about... just for the sake of us1ng 1t 1n a sentence haha.
[02:48] TG: oooh bby stop my heart here because damn its always nice to see people take the first step into the darkness
[02:48] TG: dim the lights we got a villian in training here
[02:48] AT: 1 should pract1ce my man1acal laugh.
[02:49] AT: 1 actually...
[02:49] AT: to be honest... somet1mes 1 forget to censor sh*t and 1 say sh1t... just cuz of my qu1rk.
[02:49] TG: horribly dirty guy right here
[02:50] TG: circumventing the rules and not giving a fuck
[02:50] AT: not a s1ngle fuck.
[02:52] TG: such a notorious bad boy we got going on here
[02:53] AT: tg why do you do th1s to me? you know 1'm go1ng to fall 1n w1th the wrong crowd now and just fall back on petty thefts to make ends meet...
[02:53] TG: i like seeing nice boys go bad
[02:53] TG: and youre one of the nicest ive seen
[02:53] AT: awwww.
[02:54] AT: 1 th1nk that was a a really n1ce th1ng to say???
[02:54] TG: christ i need to get a censor for this thing
[02:54] AT: what k1nd of censor...?
[02:54] TG: like for those things
[02:54] TG: like n*ce
[02:55] AT: a reverse censor? block1ng out anyth1ng you say that could be portrayed as 1noffens1ve?
[02:55] TG: and if you go to the streets im willing to help you out
[02:55] TG: we could become a famous double battle trainers
[02:56] TG: or idk something amusing
[02:56] TG: theres a contest thing going on
[02:56] TG: christ what are goals
[02:56] AT: tak1ng down noob1e tra1ners for the1r hard earned badges... hock1ng them 1n at the pawn shop...
[02:56] TG: and yes these nice kind remarks are horrifying to me
[02:56] AT: stuff l1ke that?
[02:56] TG: actually that sounds like a pretty good idea
[02:57] TG: but honestly if theyre capable of beating gyms and were capable of beating them
[02:57] AT: noob1e tra1ners don't have any badges though so the plan falls apart there...
[02:57] TG: we could probably get the badges ourself
[02:57] AT: yeah...
[02:57] AT: we're just lazy 1 guess.
[02:57] TG: could always get into the breeding business
[02:58] TG: all you do is sit back and let the pokemon go at it
[02:58] TG: and then sell their eggs
[02:58] TG: everyone wants snubull theyre p pugly but in a cute way
[02:58] AT: wow you make 1t sound so d1rty...
[02:59] TG: well
[02:59] TG: its pokemon breeding
[02:59] TG: not like im saying we should hit the ametuer porn circuit
[03:00] AT: haha do you th1nk they do that for pokémon? all 1've seen 1s mangas of those... no v1deos or anyth1ng...
[03:00] TG: do what
[03:01] AT: p*rnography... (not sure 1f that should be censored or not???)
[03:01] TG: baby
[03:01] TG: if youre talking to me
[03:01] TG: it shouldnt matter
[03:01] TG: let it all hang out
[03:01] TG: uncensored
[03:01] AT: ew. haha...
[03:02] AT: w1ll do... 1 mean... tastefully.
[03:02] TG: but pokemon porno wasnt what i was talking about actually
[03:02] TG: but good to see youve actually read stuff like that
[03:02] TG: i was just talking about breeding
[03:02] AT: oops...
[03:02] AT: guess 1 sa1d too much.
[03:03] TG: haha dude dont worry ive been on the internet
[03:03] TG: you seriously think you watching bagon clash heads is really gonna throw me off
[03:04] AT: you come across 1t when you're a manga aff1c1onato... and yeah, 1t does 1nvolve yao1s... and pokémon... somet1mes at the same t1me...
[03:05] TG: cool story
[03:05] TG: but yeah i think pokemon porn is illegal
[03:05] TG: i mean unless you classify it as a documentary or something
[03:05] AT: 1t's k1nda a grey area...
[03:06] AT: 1 mean l1ke... 1t's just draw1ngs so... you know what 1 mean?
[03:06] TG: well yeah drawings arent actually people
[03:06] TG: so youre not exploting real people
[03:06] AT: yeah!!! okay you get 1t, bangarang.
[03:07] TG: haha dont worry your pokesmut is safe dude
[03:07] AT: so safe.
[03:08] TG: its got eight officer jennys surrounding it and keeping that on lock
[03:08] TG: we aint afraid of no body here
[03:09] AT: set up a sweet laser gr1d... gotta pull some m1ss1on 1mposs1ble sh1t 1f you want 1n to see those sweet ta1ls...
[03:09] TG: tails
[03:09] AT: yes ta1ls.
[03:09] TG: so youre looking at pokemon with tails
[03:09] TG: hahaha
[03:09] AT: lots of them have ta1ls dude!
[03:09] TG: judging you
[03:09] TG: judging
[03:09] AT: haha so judged.
[03:10] TG: take a last look at the outside this will be the last time you see it for a while
[03:10] TG: youve been judged like hoenns next top model
[03:11] TG: come up to the stage dude youre going to the semi finals
[03:11] AT: every pokémon contest judge star1ng me down... and you're there too l1ke... at the edge of the panel, g1v1ng me the "got my eyes on you" f1ngers...
[03:12] TG: o> o- o:{ o>
[03:13] AT: haha... you're gonna have to expla1n that one, dude. not see1ng 1t...
[03:13] TG: o> this is my elbow bent and my hand pointing to my face
[03:13] AT: oh 1 see 1t!!
[03:13] TG: o- this one is pointing toward o:{ this one
[03:13] TG: which is you
[03:14] TG: and then back to me o>
[03:14] AT: yes essent1ally the sum-up of our relat1onsh1p.
[03:15] TG: me watching you
[03:15] TG: wow sounds pretty voyeuristic when you sum it up like that
[03:15] AT: don't pretend you're not 1nto 1t dude...
[03:15] TG: lil bit
[03:16] TG: im a producer im used to watching actors pass the stage and bare it all
[03:17] AT: doesn't even phase you at th1s po1nt 1 bet. here 1 am try1ng to h1de my shame beh1nd aster1sks...
[03:18] TG: man its still there even if you try and hide it
[03:18] TG: might as well let it hang out
[03:19] TG: you feel less shameful when you just pass through the fact
[03:19] AT: so true... 1f you have noth1ng to h1de you have noth1ng to be ashamed of...
[03:20] TG: well unless you got a small dong
[03:20] TG: then i think you could be ashamed of it
[03:20] TG: im not even sure what were talking about anymore
[03:21] TG: this topic has just spiraled from the original subject beautifully
[03:21] TG: its like
[03:21] TG: . -------------------------------------------------- topic
[03:21] TG: wait wait
[03:21] TG: i got a better idea
[03:21] TG: | topic
[03:21] TG: |topic
[03:21] TG: |opic
[03:21] TG: |pic
[03:21] TG: |c
[03:21] TG: |
[03:21] TG: gone
[03:22] AT: let's just say 1'd need more than one aster1sk 1n my case... haha that's all 1'll say on the subject.
[03:22] AT: yeah so gone. 1 don't even remember what 1t was???
[03:23] TG: haha
[03:23] TG: got a d***********k
[03:23] TG: and its only a four letter word im talking bout
[03:23] AT: omg tg...
[03:23] TG: dave
[03:23] TG: though tg works too
[03:24] AT: dave! 1 don't th1nk you ment1oned that on your blog anywhere. d1d you?
[03:24] TG: nope
[03:24] TG: least i dont think i did
[03:24] AT: (how d1d we go from d1cks to names wow...)
[03:25] TG: (hell if i know dude how did we get to dicks in the first place)
[03:25] TG: its a subject that tends to come up with me
[03:25] TG: somehow
[03:26] AT: do you br1ng 1t up on purpose...?
[03:26] AT: c'mon be honest w1th me dave haha...
[03:26] TG: nah it tends to be a subject that pops up often
[03:26] TG: hahah
[03:26] AT: oh wow...
[03:26] TG: sthe folly of being young
[03:27] AT: 1 wouldn't have even caught that 1nnuendo 1f you hadn't laughed l1ke that...
[03:27] TG: it wasnt suppose to be a innuendo at first
[03:27] TG: it just came out as one after i thought of it for a second
[03:28] AT: troll freud at work... or human freud for you 1dk...
[03:28] TG: wouldnt it be
[03:28] TG: freood
[03:28] TG: or something like that
[03:29] AT: good po1nt...
[03:29] TG: i mean actually that brings up a point i heard a reference of troll will smith
[03:29] TG: how does that work
[03:29] TG: unless his full names like willis
[03:30] AT: 1'm not the one to ask... 1 don't watch h1s mov1es...
[03:30] AT: w1ll1s sm1the maybe...
[03:30] TG: oh god
[03:30] TG: your quirk with his name
[03:31] TG: w1111s
[03:31] TG: i wonder if anyone would be able to decode that
[03:31] TG: if they didnt have any reference to you
[03:31] AT: yeah my qu1rk makes every 1 word like 3 t1mes better...
[03:31] TG: it does
[03:32] AT: some fonts make the l's look a LOT l1ke my 1's... then 1t gets confus1ng...
[03:32] TG: haha embrace the mayhem
[03:32] TG: let people stare at your text and just wonder whats going on
[03:32] AT: when 1 say "1'll" or ... or "w1ll1s" 1 guess.
[03:33] AT: that's what 1 do whenever m1tuna types at me. }:)
[03:33] TG: right mitunas the yellow guy right
[03:33] AT: b1ngo.
[03:34] TG: haha i would just spend the time nodding
[03:34] TG: uh huh
[03:34] TG: oh godzillia huh
[03:34] TG: cool
[03:34] AT: haha...
[03:35] AT: he's a l1ttle better 1n person but st1ll a b1t hard to understand... }:(
[03:35] TG: i think this is the start of a beautiful friendship
[03:35] TG: yep
[03:35] TG: i got a few people like that
[03:35] TG: mines called rose
[03:35] AT: oh?
[03:35] TG: youll see when you meet her at
[03:36] TG: man going with initials doesnt work with your name
[03:36] TG: makes it seem like im talking about a place
[03:36] TG: like lemme drop an example
[03:36] TG: imma hit at
[03:36] AT: oh that's what that was...
[03:36] TG: wanna watch porn at
[03:36] TG: your name is a cliff hanger
[03:36] AT: omg...
[03:36] AT: 1t 1s!!!
[03:37] TG: to be continued......................
[03:37] AT: good th1ng you came up w1th a bangarang n1ckname for me... now you don't have to use the acronym.
[03:38] TG: but its kind of nice to use
[03:38] TG: at
[03:38] TG: ruffles
[03:38] TG: rn
[03:38] TG: nurse rufioh
[03:38] AT: 1'm sorry nurse???
[03:38] TG: an rn is a nurse
[03:38] AT: where d1d that come from-- oh 1t 1s?
[03:38] TG: registered nurse
[03:38] TG: rn
[03:39] AT: }:o
[03:39] TG: thus nurse rufioh
[03:39] AT: sh1t 1 guess 1 better change my career path stat...
[03:39] AT: get myself a chansey...
[03:39] TG: someone has to drive that emergency van
[03:39] TG: theyre waiting on u
[03:39] TG: waiting on u
[03:40] TG: go quickly
[03:41] -- turntechGreatball [TG] gave up trolling amiableTerrakion [AT] at 15:41 --
[02:01] -- turntechGreatball [TG] began trolling amiableTerrakion [AT] at 14:01 --
[02:01] TG: sup ruffles
[02:02] AT: hey blogger guy... 1 saw you've been l1ke... comment1ng on more blogs than any of the rest of us, haha...
[02:04] TG: they need my expert critique in order to grow as people
[02:04] TG: i mean where would your blog be without my little posts enlightening you and educating you on things
[02:04] TG: how long would it have taken you to actually post a photo of the bull
[02:04] TG: and by posting thousands of followers look at you
[02:05] AT: 1t would be largely 1nact1ve haha... except for those two dudes post1ng lyr1cs.
[02:05] AT: but yeah that was a good 1dea thanks. maybe 1 just assumed people would know what 1 was talk1ng about?
[02:06] TG: yeah imma be honest most peeps would probably think its a pokemon if they dont see it at first
[02:07] AT: the trolls would know what 1 meant though... they all have lus11 of the1r own.
[02:08] AT: ( well most of them }:( )
[02:08] TG: lets be honest
[02:08] TG: the trolls arent helpful
[02:08] TG: come on
[02:08] TG: admit it with me theyre all pretty ineffective at things except tz
[02:08] TG: and tz cant see a thing
[02:09] AT: what, none of em? some of my best buds are... well wa1t... that depends how you def1ne "effect1ve"...
[02:09] TG: capable of doing tasks
[02:10] TG: and staying focused
[02:10] TG: or actually remembering things for when theyre related rather then after you find it and then they go
[02:10] TG: oh wait i saw him like a week ago
[02:10] AT: 1 dunno 1 guess uh... none of us have caught a mon yet... or got a badge... as far as 1've heard...
[02:11] AT: oh wow that's a depress1ng thought.
[02:11] AT: why you gotta be so r1ght when you're d1ss1ng my spec1es haha.
[02:12] TG: well face that fact and worry about it later
[02:12] TG: you seem almost competent
[02:12] AT: thanks?
[02:12] TG: dont worry about me sweet talking you im just playing coy here
[02:14] AT: "almost competent" 1sn't exactly a b1g ol' sweet talk... 1 guess 1t could be taken e1ther way...
[02:14] TG: youre extremely competent for a troll
[02:15] TG: and besides i still havent talked to you yet
[02:15] TG: like irl
[02:15] TG: so far me and you are just online buddies
[02:15] AT: yeah so haha don't judge my competence yet 1 guess?
[02:15] TG: like bffs without the physical connection
[02:16] AT: meet me 1n person and just f1nd me tr1pp1ng over my own w1ngs. take back everyth1ng you sa1d pr1or. ha.
[02:16] TG: it makes you slightly less incompetent to admit that youre incompetent
[02:17] AT: just k1dd1n around bro. 1'm not that bad just uh... hes1tant 1 guess.
[02:18] TG: hesitant to take our relationship to the next level
[02:18] AT: 1s that coyness aga1n...?
[02:20] TG: yes
[02:21] TG: im playing the blushing maiden here and hiding my face behind my sleeves with a little laugh
[02:21] TG: ooh senpai you do me so wrong
[02:22] AT: haha. 1 shoulda seen that com1ng r1ght? just l1ke 1n my troll an1mes.
[02:24] TG: im not even sure how that works but cool
[02:25] TG: how can an anime be both troll
[02:25] TG: and japanese
[02:26] AT: uhhhhhhh...
[02:26] AT: 1t uses the an1me art style wh1le us1ng troll characters?
[02:27] AT: maybe japan 1s m1xed trolls and humans just l1ke kanto 1s!
[02:28] TG: hahaha
[02:34] TG: its not but lets talk about this
[02:34] TG: tell me about your pokemon
[02:34] TG: you said youre going on an adventure
[02:36] AT: that's the 1ntent1on! 1 f1gure 1'll do someth1ng hero1c 1f poss1ble, wh1le search1ng for my lusus...
[02:36] AT: probably not badges though...?
[02:37] AT: as for the pokémon, m1ne's a bouffalant. call h1m t1mber.
[02:37] TG: a buffoon?
[02:37] AT: you've never heard of bouffalants?
[02:38] TG: nope
[02:38] AT: 1 dunno man open up your pokédex or whatever you got
[02:39] AT: or even google 1t...
[02:39] TG: who actually looks at the pokemon that arent even native to kanto
[02:39] AT: 1sn't that k1nd of select1ve th1nk1ng...?
[02:40] TG: well its more of the common sense thing
[02:40] TG: lemme ask this
[02:40] TG: what are the chances ill ever see a buffalo wing
[02:41] AT: f*ck dude... don't make me hungry... 1 can't let t1mber know my stomach's growl1ng at the thought of h1s meat haha...
[02:41] AT: wa1t that...
[02:41] AT: came out wrong.
[02:41] TG: HAHAHA.
[02:41] TG: just
[02:41] TG: lemme hold you
[02:41] TG: srsly ill hold you for that statement
[02:42] AT: hahaha. 1 really sh*t the bed there.
[02:42] TG: well say mouths watering would have been better
[02:42] TG: also whats with the censoring
[02:43] AT: 1 dunno 1t's just a hab1t... used to spend t1me 1n a forum that censored swears.
[02:43] TG: come on
[02:43] TG: say a swear word for me
[02:43] TG: do it for me ruffles
[02:43] AT: what why?
[02:44] TG: i take joy in corrupting the innocent?
[02:44] AT: haha you do seem l1ke the type.
[02:45] AT: ok um... wh1ch one do 1 say haha. what's the best swear you can th1nk of?
[02:45] TG: cmon just let those words cross your lips
[02:46] TG: lets go with a classic one
[02:46] TG: starts with f
[02:46] TG: ends with k
[02:46] TG: youre in there in the middle
[02:46] TG: u
[02:47] AT: 1'm go1ng to pretend 1 don't know what the fuck you're talk1ng about... just for the sake of us1ng 1t 1n a sentence haha.
[02:48] TG: oooh bby stop my heart here because damn its always nice to see people take the first step into the darkness
[02:48] TG: dim the lights we got a villian in training here
[02:48] AT: 1 should pract1ce my man1acal laugh.
[02:49] AT: 1 actually...
[02:49] AT: to be honest... somet1mes 1 forget to censor sh*t and 1 say sh1t... just cuz of my qu1rk.
[02:49] TG: horribly dirty guy right here
[02:50] TG: circumventing the rules and not giving a fuck
[02:50] AT: not a s1ngle fuck.
[02:52] TG: such a notorious bad boy we got going on here
[02:53] AT: tg why do you do th1s to me? you know 1'm go1ng to fall 1n w1th the wrong crowd now and just fall back on petty thefts to make ends meet...
[02:53] TG: i like seeing nice boys go bad
[02:53] TG: and youre one of the nicest ive seen
[02:53] AT: awwww.
[02:54] AT: 1 th1nk that was a a really n1ce th1ng to say???
[02:54] TG: christ i need to get a censor for this thing
[02:54] AT: what k1nd of censor...?
[02:54] TG: like for those things
[02:54] TG: like n*ce
[02:55] AT: a reverse censor? block1ng out anyth1ng you say that could be portrayed as 1noffens1ve?
[02:55] TG: and if you go to the streets im willing to help you out
[02:55] TG: we could become a famous double battle trainers
[02:56] TG: or idk something amusing
[02:56] TG: theres a contest thing going on
[02:56] TG: christ what are goals
[02:56] AT: tak1ng down noob1e tra1ners for the1r hard earned badges... hock1ng them 1n at the pawn shop...
[02:56] TG: and yes these nice kind remarks are horrifying to me
[02:56] AT: stuff l1ke that?
[02:56] TG: actually that sounds like a pretty good idea
[02:57] TG: but honestly if theyre capable of beating gyms and were capable of beating them
[02:57] AT: noob1e tra1ners don't have any badges though so the plan falls apart there...
[02:57] TG: we could probably get the badges ourself
[02:57] AT: yeah...
[02:57] AT: we're just lazy 1 guess.
[02:57] TG: could always get into the breeding business
[02:58] TG: all you do is sit back and let the pokemon go at it
[02:58] TG: and then sell their eggs
[02:58] TG: everyone wants snubull theyre p pugly but in a cute way
[02:58] AT: wow you make 1t sound so d1rty...
[02:59] TG: well
[02:59] TG: its pokemon breeding
[02:59] TG: not like im saying we should hit the ametuer porn circuit
[03:00] AT: haha do you th1nk they do that for pokémon? all 1've seen 1s mangas of those... no v1deos or anyth1ng...
[03:00] TG: do what
[03:01] AT: p*rnography... (not sure 1f that should be censored or not???)
[03:01] TG: baby
[03:01] TG: if youre talking to me
[03:01] TG: it shouldnt matter
[03:01] TG: let it all hang out
[03:01] TG: uncensored
[03:01] AT: ew. haha...
[03:02] AT: w1ll do... 1 mean... tastefully.
[03:02] TG: but pokemon porno wasnt what i was talking about actually
[03:02] TG: but good to see youve actually read stuff like that
[03:02] TG: i was just talking about breeding
[03:02] AT: oops...
[03:02] AT: guess 1 sa1d too much.
[03:03] TG: haha dude dont worry ive been on the internet
[03:03] TG: you seriously think you watching bagon clash heads is really gonna throw me off
[03:04] AT: you come across 1t when you're a manga aff1c1onato... and yeah, 1t does 1nvolve yao1s... and pokémon... somet1mes at the same t1me...
[03:05] TG: cool story
[03:05] TG: but yeah i think pokemon porn is illegal
[03:05] TG: i mean unless you classify it as a documentary or something
[03:05] AT: 1t's k1nda a grey area...
[03:06] AT: 1 mean l1ke... 1t's just draw1ngs so... you know what 1 mean?
[03:06] TG: well yeah drawings arent actually people
[03:06] TG: so youre not exploting real people
[03:06] AT: yeah!!! okay you get 1t, bangarang.
[03:07] TG: haha dont worry your pokesmut is safe dude
[03:07] AT: so safe.
[03:08] TG: its got eight officer jennys surrounding it and keeping that on lock
[03:08] TG: we aint afraid of no body here
[03:09] AT: set up a sweet laser gr1d... gotta pull some m1ss1on 1mposs1ble sh1t 1f you want 1n to see those sweet ta1ls...
[03:09] TG: tails
[03:09] AT: yes ta1ls.
[03:09] TG: so youre looking at pokemon with tails
[03:09] TG: hahaha
[03:09] AT: lots of them have ta1ls dude!
[03:09] TG: judging you
[03:09] TG: judging
[03:09] AT: haha so judged.
[03:10] TG: take a last look at the outside this will be the last time you see it for a while
[03:10] TG: youve been judged like hoenns next top model
[03:11] TG: come up to the stage dude youre going to the semi finals
[03:11] AT: every pokémon contest judge star1ng me down... and you're there too l1ke... at the edge of the panel, g1v1ng me the "got my eyes on you" f1ngers...
[03:12] TG: o> o- o:{ o>
[03:13] AT: haha... you're gonna have to expla1n that one, dude. not see1ng 1t...
[03:13] TG: o> this is my elbow bent and my hand pointing to my face
[03:13] AT: oh 1 see 1t!!
[03:13] TG: o- this one is pointing toward o:{ this one
[03:13] TG: which is you
[03:14] TG: and then back to me o>
[03:14] AT: yes essent1ally the sum-up of our relat1onsh1p.
[03:15] TG: me watching you
[03:15] TG: wow sounds pretty voyeuristic when you sum it up like that
[03:15] AT: don't pretend you're not 1nto 1t dude...
[03:15] TG: lil bit
[03:16] TG: im a producer im used to watching actors pass the stage and bare it all
[03:17] AT: doesn't even phase you at th1s po1nt 1 bet. here 1 am try1ng to h1de my shame beh1nd aster1sks...
[03:18] TG: man its still there even if you try and hide it
[03:18] TG: might as well let it hang out
[03:19] TG: you feel less shameful when you just pass through the fact
[03:19] AT: so true... 1f you have noth1ng to h1de you have noth1ng to be ashamed of...
[03:20] TG: well unless you got a small dong
[03:20] TG: then i think you could be ashamed of it
[03:20] TG: im not even sure what were talking about anymore
[03:21] TG: this topic has just spiraled from the original subject beautifully
[03:21] TG: its like
[03:21] TG: . -------------------------------------------------- topic
[03:21] TG: wait wait
[03:21] TG: i got a better idea
[03:21] TG: | topic
[03:21] TG: |topic
[03:21] TG: |opic
[03:21] TG: |pic
[03:21] TG: |c
[03:21] TG: |
[03:21] TG: gone
[03:22] AT: let's just say 1'd need more than one aster1sk 1n my case... haha that's all 1'll say on the subject.
[03:22] AT: yeah so gone. 1 don't even remember what 1t was???
[03:23] TG: haha
[03:23] TG: got a d***********k
[03:23] TG: and its only a four letter word im talking bout
[03:23] AT: omg tg...
[03:23] TG: dave
[03:23] TG: though tg works too
[03:24] AT: dave! 1 don't th1nk you ment1oned that on your blog anywhere. d1d you?
[03:24] TG: nope
[03:24] TG: least i dont think i did
[03:24] AT: (how d1d we go from d1cks to names wow...)
[03:25] TG: (hell if i know dude how did we get to dicks in the first place)
[03:25] TG: its a subject that tends to come up with me
[03:25] TG: somehow
[03:26] AT: do you br1ng 1t up on purpose...?
[03:26] AT: c'mon be honest w1th me dave haha...
[03:26] TG: nah it tends to be a subject that pops up often
[03:26] TG: hahah
[03:26] AT: oh wow...
[03:26] TG: sthe folly of being young
[03:27] AT: 1 wouldn't have even caught that 1nnuendo 1f you hadn't laughed l1ke that...
[03:27] TG: it wasnt suppose to be a innuendo at first
[03:27] TG: it just came out as one after i thought of it for a second
[03:28] AT: troll freud at work... or human freud for you 1dk...
[03:28] TG: wouldnt it be
[03:28] TG: freood
[03:28] TG: or something like that
[03:29] AT: good po1nt...
[03:29] TG: i mean actually that brings up a point i heard a reference of troll will smith
[03:29] TG: how does that work
[03:29] TG: unless his full names like willis
[03:30] AT: 1'm not the one to ask... 1 don't watch h1s mov1es...
[03:30] AT: w1ll1s sm1the maybe...
[03:30] TG: oh god
[03:30] TG: your quirk with his name
[03:31] TG: w1111s
[03:31] TG: i wonder if anyone would be able to decode that
[03:31] TG: if they didnt have any reference to you
[03:31] AT: yeah my qu1rk makes every 1 word like 3 t1mes better...
[03:31] TG: it does
[03:32] AT: some fonts make the l's look a LOT l1ke my 1's... then 1t gets confus1ng...
[03:32] TG: haha embrace the mayhem
[03:32] TG: let people stare at your text and just wonder whats going on
[03:32] AT: when 1 say "1'll" or ... or "w1ll1s" 1 guess.
[03:33] AT: that's what 1 do whenever m1tuna types at me. }:)
[03:33] TG: right mitunas the yellow guy right
[03:33] AT: b1ngo.
[03:34] TG: haha i would just spend the time nodding
[03:34] TG: uh huh
[03:34] TG: oh godzillia huh
[03:34] TG: cool
[03:34] AT: haha...
[03:35] AT: he's a l1ttle better 1n person but st1ll a b1t hard to understand... }:(
[03:35] TG: i think this is the start of a beautiful friendship
[03:35] TG: yep
[03:35] TG: i got a few people like that
[03:35] TG: mines called rose
[03:35] AT: oh?
[03:35] TG: youll see when you meet her at
[03:36] TG: man going with initials doesnt work with your name
[03:36] TG: makes it seem like im talking about a place
[03:36] TG: like lemme drop an example
[03:36] TG: imma hit at
[03:36] AT: oh that's what that was...
[03:36] TG: wanna watch porn at
[03:36] TG: your name is a cliff hanger
[03:36] AT: omg...
[03:36] AT: 1t 1s!!!
[03:37] TG: to be continued......................
[03:37] AT: good th1ng you came up w1th a bangarang n1ckname for me... now you don't have to use the acronym.
[03:38] TG: but its kind of nice to use
[03:38] TG: at
[03:38] TG: ruffles
[03:38] TG: rn
[03:38] TG: nurse rufioh
[03:38] AT: 1'm sorry nurse???
[03:38] TG: an rn is a nurse
[03:38] AT: where d1d that come from-- oh 1t 1s?
[03:38] TG: registered nurse
[03:38] TG: rn
[03:39] AT: }:o
[03:39] TG: thus nurse rufioh
[03:39] AT: sh1t 1 guess 1 better change my career path stat...
[03:39] AT: get myself a chansey...
[03:39] TG: someone has to drive that emergency van
[03:39] TG: theyre waiting on u
[03:39] TG: waiting on u
[03:40] TG: go quickly
[03:41] -- turntechGreatball [TG] gave up trolling amiableTerrakion [AT] at 15:41 --