Post by Rufioh Nitram on Nov 21, 2012 22:02:26 GMT
r1ght... so... 1'm s'posed to wr1te an 1ntroduct1on here? wt*? are they expect1ng other people to read my pc? that's k1nda... an 1nvas1on of pr1vacy, bro...
whatev... hey bros... hey dolls... and hey, everyone 1n between. name's ruf1oh, and here's where 1 keep tabs on all the stuff 1 gotta keep 1n my head...
what am 1 1nto? r1ght uh... 1 love me some anime, manga, pokémon, and anything that overlaps them...
everyone th1nks 1'm the coolest sh*t s1nce sl1ced grainloaf... and 1'm totally flattered and all, but 1 f1nd 1t hard to l1ve up to the1r 1mage of me... 'cuz 1 st1ll got some conf1dence 1ssues to work through. everyone's got the1r own faults you know???
r1ght now 1'm cons1der1ng a career 1n be1ng a pokémon ranger. f1ts really well w1th how much 1 care about pokémon, and w1th my bronzeblood ab1l1t1es... and 1 wager 1 can even f1nd what 1'm look1ng for wh1le 1 do my ranger th1ng all over the w1lds of kanto...
[/color] t1mber's swell... he's easygo1ng most of the t1me... he's only scary and rough 1f you set h1m off. so yeah... don't do that... more 1nfo 1n the profile, of course...
picture of pokemon
[/img]the rest are yet to come... name the species[/center] GENDER: male/female TYPE: --- LEVEL: --- MOVES: move | move | move | move NATURE: personality CHARACTERS' THOUGHTS:[/color]
Aradia: so, she's l1ke, a second meg1do...? y1kes. 1 mean, 1 shouldn't assume... hey, maybe she's d1fferent. yeah, 1 bet she's a f1ne doll.
Tavros: haha... 1'm eager to meet the l1'l n1tram. 1'm k1nda psyched about the chance to be a role model, you know? and of course we'll have plenty of stuff 1n common...
Equius: oh, another zahhak, huh...? looks l1ke he's really s1m1lar to horuss... heh, hope 1 don't get swamped w1th zahhak's, one 1s already k1nda overwhelm1ng...
Kankri: kankr1's my boy! he's got lots of 1mportant causes he's ra1s1ng awareness for, and... 1 dunno, 1 guess he can get on other's nerves, but... 1t's hard to get on my nerves, so we get along better than he does w1th most others.
Damara: she's my ex... and bro, there's good reason for that. man... she went totally apesh*t, you know? g1rl ST1LL tr1es to aggress me even though 1t's over between us... she holds a grudge l1ke 1 never SEEN wh1le we were together... ser1ously... she crazy...
Rufioh: hey! that's me. bangarang. 1'm a n1ce guy, or at least 1 make a po1nt to be approachable no matter who you are. 1s 1t work1n, bro?
Mituna: gotta be pat1ent when deal1n w1th th1s bro... anyway, 1 can st1ll see s1gns of the good guy he 1s... past all the, l1ke... the crazy sh*t???
Meulin: heh, th1s doll's a real sweet1e. cutest ch1ck. real fun, but exc1table... you know, hyper... oh, yeah, and she's my matespr1t's mo1ra1l, so 1'm glad we get along!
Porrim: ser1ous ch1ck. hm... 1n more than one way of say1ng that phrase, too. haha... naw, she's a good gal, really... and smart... just don't let her catch you star1ng at her tats!!! haha...
Latula: latula's totally rad and she a1n't afra1d to tell you about 1t, e1ther. radder than me for sure!!! not that 1 really str1ve for 1t hardcore, l1ke she does...
Aranea: aranea's a totally smart doll too! she makes great company 1f you wanna just have a calm conversat1on... or talk about someth1ng 1mportant. 1 usually learn someth1ng new every t1me 1 talk to her!!! doll ra1ses my 1Q every t1me we meet, haha... bangarang.
Horuss: well, what can 1 say about horuss that hasn't already been sa1d...??? he's my matespr1t of course, ever s1nce 1 spl1t w1th damara. that feels l1ke a long t1me already... horuss 1s swell, he just doesn't understand when 1 wanna have some alone t1me, or spend t1me w1th other fr1ends...
Kurloz: the ch1llest of ch1ll bros. hey, 1 guess he's k1nda l1ke t1mber now that 1 th1nk about 1t!!! he's really easygo1ng and la1d-back, but has the potent1al to get really scary 1f you cross h1m... luck1ly 1 don't get on h1s bad s1de, haha!
Cronus: cronus has... a flavour all h1s own, 1 guess...? he's pretty fl1rty, but 1 get the 1mpress1on that 1sn't just w1th me, so how can 1 compla1n, haha. oh, and he's humank1n, that's pretty 1nterest1ng, you know???
Meenah: haha what a crazy b*tch... 1n the most affect1onate use of the term, that 1s... she plays rough, you know what 1'm say1ng?
Andrew: 1 dunno th1s guy at all, but... he seems to know me, haha!
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