Post by ellie [ex-everything] on Nov 14, 2012 23:18:36 GMT
w e l l b e h a v e d w o m e n r a r e l y m a k e h i s t o r y [/center]
》 NAME !
Porrim Maryam
GENDER: Female
TYPE: Normal
MOVES: comet punch | leer | crush claw | protect
NATURE: Enjoys Lady Gaga's music even though she is a self-proclaimed "not feminist," (for reasons that amount to 'I like cars, I'm a man-lover') on top of her fashion choices.
Needless to say, she and Porrim don't see eye to eye on everything. But that's fine. You have to make concessions for the people who matter most in your life, and Betty has proven to be resilient, dependable, and a stable force through thick and thin.
And there's something to be said for that.
》 HOMETOWN![/color]
Saffron City -- Kanto
》 APPEARANCE ![/color]
Feeding into stereotypes has never been her style.
Intimidating from the gate -- though not in the way that one might expect. Has a very alternative look about her -- but mixed heavily with a grace, an elegance that only she can possess. Interesting in many ways -- there is a lot to look at it, all, perhaps, unfitting on its own, but taken as a being -- as a whole, as one entity, one finds that, for one reason or another, she makes it work.
Slim, angled, and slight of figure -- but she makes it work in more ways than one. While she might not have much in terms of the size of any assets, there is something about the execution of what she has that screams "woman." Long-legged, muscled, and alternative -- but all at once completely and totally feminine.
Has full-body tattoos that arch and curve around every appendage, some hidden from view, others not so much. On anyone else this might be tacky, but on her it seems almost as if she were born that way, and they do her well.
Pierced in more places than one -- on her arching eyebrows that furrow with any mention of blatant stupidity -- on sharply-tipped ears that dip and rise with her mood -- on the bottom of a pouty bottom lip that she herself finds sometimes comical.
She has plans on expanding these-- though she keeps the intended location private.
There is never a need to be so boldly crass, after all.
Is fashionable in the way that she sets the standard. There are creators and there are imitators -- and she so resolutely belongs in the first category.
Completely, utterly and totally comfortable with her body, her fashion, her appearance, her image -- herself.
And damn, does it show.
》 BIOGRAPHY ![/color]
She's always been a little bit rebellious.
When you live in a world with two separate species occupying the same turf, you start to notice things. The differences, at first -- the fact of the matter is that it is much easier to latch onto the things that are unalike, to find solace in the fact that, while things may be x, they are not y -- or to find pain in the inverse. For a time, perhaps she too had been clouded by the seemingly-better situation her species had put her in.
But eventually there comes a time when you realize that one is much more like the other -- that concessions have been made, that bureaucrats and Indigos had, at some point, made some deals in the working of society. Tey could not enslave each other -- the history books she had read (and still reads) detail that much -- they were two equal and opposing forces, unable to take a hold on the other.
It is a male instinct to control, to, in the most desperate of times, take complete dominance over other types of people. Highbloods control the low, seadwellers control the land, and men control the women.
It is, what men would call, the natural order of things. And what she would have called bullshit.
The longer she lived -- within the system by hatchright, unable to escape it even if she wanted to (even though she wanted to) -- the more she wanted out of it. The more she believed that there had to be a different, better option.
Though she considered her eyes open to reality, she was still blind in more ways that she would have ever believed. In her youth, she traversed about Kanto, joined by Betty and Betty alone (a gift from her lusus -- who she resented greatly but who never stopped loving her), watching with increasing ire the state of the world, the issue that she held most dear being stomped out by both ends, and yet a discrimination so rampant that it bemused her -- still, to this day -- that people could be so dense as to not notice it. The lack of a female champion in god knows how long (she does -- there has never been one), the hurdles that female gym leaders must clear to even own a gym, much less become respected at the bar, the advertisements, the overwhelming number of male-bodied Pokemon used by prominent trainers -- the list was endless, is still endless.
And yet her eyes were not open to the grand scheme of things -- she did not understand equality, and the system that necessitated roles from some (not all) of its members. Before, had one mentioned this to her, she would have gone off (incredulously) in their face.
A man-hater, a system-abolisher, she despised her rank and everything that came with it.
Oftentimes, during her trips around Kanto, she would stop back at her own hive to spend a day or two at home. Get her bearings, plan her next route -- the visits were brief, infrequent, and to the point.
One day she returned to find her lusus dead and rotting on the floor.
She is still not completely "over it." In some ways, she wonders if it is even possible to be.
It came as a shock to her -- and placed her in the most delicate of positions. As a Jadeblood with an expired lusus, she was expected to go at once to the caverns.
She didn't.
Instead, she took her birthright -- the matriorb -- from the corpse, and deposited it at the Jadeblood center, anonymously.
She doesn't know if she will be back there in the future, she still wants some time to think -- to find herself, to contemplate her purpose and the nature of things (fate -- but is that silly, or realistic?).
She still has a lot to learn, this much she knows -- but she's on the right track.
While she didn't stop traveling, she did so with new purpose -- and with a vision less clouded by sheer rebelliousness and hate. Inequalities exist, and she knew that for sure -- but forcing it down other's throats; proclaiming one way of life insignificant or lesser because of factors one had no way of controlling -- it only served to fuddle the message. In such a way, she has matured.
And she only hopes that she will be able to continue on such a path of wisdom.
》 PERSONALITY ![/color]
A mother will always do what is best for her children.
Though, in many respects, Porrim resists her calling and considers it to be something she was forced into, there is no denying that, in some cruel way, she was hatched to be at least a little sympathetic to her eventual career.
Perhaps it is because of this bred-in wiring that she is just so mothering. Fussy, concerned, and incredibly protective over those she holds dear -- she is in more ways than one a type of authority figure that doesn't get documented by mere stereotypes. To call her a practitioner of tough love would be wholly inaccurate -- while she does not cope well with stupidity and is quick to dismiss qualms if they seem to be bred out of the insecurities or mood of another, she is at once completely compassionate to those who deserve it.
Willing to coach people through their problems, and has no qualms with guiding them towards personal growth.
Despises fakeness in an almost passive way -- works to eradicate it when she sees it, and is not above calling it out; but would never look down on someone for feeling as if they are forced to put on a mask.
But, perhaps -- and this she is considerate about -- that is merely due to her own comfort with herself. While Porrim has done a few things that many people might not be quick to admit, at no point does she live with regret -- but then again, she does not charge into things in a desperate attempt to prove herself, either. By being firm with the knowledge of her limits and her own ideals -- knowing herself and finding strength in her abilities and personality -- she finds life is sweeter.
Polite, but not without her limits. She attempts to give people a straight story and to treat them with dignity -- but, considering the people she tends to consort with, this can oftentimes prove to be a tricky ideal to uphold.
Compassionate and caring, and rather affectionate -- but doesn't tend to align herself with any one person for any length of time. She has outside interests and, as a young girl, she realizes these are totally natural. There is no point in being tied down at seven sweeps, and she will not pretend that that is a course of action she intends to take.
Commitment is not explicitly her style, but she tends to keep good terms with her exes.
She's not one for drama, after all (though, like many, she is prone to gossip -- though, perhaps not like many, she does not tend to take whispered rumors made by excited teenagers at face value).
Not explicitly prone to exasperation, though when she has reached the breaking point she is not quiet about it. Sighs, rolled eyes, and blunt, sarcastic (and to an extent downright sassy) remarks are common once the threshold has been cleared.
Completely and totally pragmatic, with a clear vision of her own boundaries and the meanings of any given situation. Practical and realistic, she contemplates and reflects on much that happens in her life, though finds no cause for regret.
And, for the most part, tends to try to not overthink things.
Not the kind to keep secrets -- and in fact lets things slip, more often than not. Allows anyone to know about her, and tends to keep honesty as being a leading tenet for her lifestyle and what she expects from others. However, she finds no point in being crass about somewhat "touchy," supposedly-private information.
Sex-positive in her own way -- but responds to unsolicited offensive gestures with blunt admonishes.
Has a nose for double-standards and seeking justice for them. Rebellious in a sense, but is not inclined to be active about it (which, of course, she finds a little funny).
Enjoys making clothes for herself and others, keeping herself well-informed, and some (but not all) movies that pass the Bechdel test.
And some that don't, of course.
》 GOAL ![/color]
to spread the good word: