The 6eginnings 9f a 6eautiful 6log Monday 12th April
Hell9 my w9nderful readers, y9u have 6een f9rtunate en9ugh t9 stumble up9n the 6l9g 9f Kankri Vantas. N9w, d9n't 6e t99 sh9cked. I kn9w, y9u're all excited 6ecause Kankri Vantas has a 6l9g. Y9u can talk t9 him whenever y9u want, n9w. It's like y9ur fav9rite cele6rity having a 6l9g, I understand, 6ut just 6ecause I am s9 imp9rtant d9es n9t mean that I am better than any 9f y9u. I want the same respect any9ne else has, like Mituna. Er, actually, n9t like Mituna. Never mind. Like, er, Meenah, h9w a69ut? That's g99d en9ugh. Anyways, please d9n't treat me special just 6ecause I am s9 imp9rtant. I am just a n9rmal guy with a n9rmal 6l9g, 9kay? N9w that we've g9t that settled, let's talk a69ut my plans f9r this 6l9g. It will 6e mainly dev9ted t9 correcting pe9ple's 9ppresive err9rs. There will als9 6e s9me delightful puns, I am sure. 9h, and I'm g9ing t9 6l9g a69ut my j9urney, t99, I supp9se. I'm sure every69dy will 6e excited t9 here a69ut me teaching the pe9ple in Kant9 a69ut h9w t9 check their privilege. I'll update s99n en9ugh, 6ut I'm g9ing t9 take a 69at t9 Vermilli9n City t9m9rr9w, and I need t9 get my rest.
-- Comments --
Last Edit: Nov 12, 2012 3:46:05 GMT by Kankri Vantas
9h, hell9 Kurl9z. I see y9u're using y9ur massive gif c9llecti9n, as usual. H9w many gifs d9 y9u even have, I must w9nder. Alth9ugh it w9uld 6e funny and clever t9 reply with gifs 9f my 9wn, I'm g9ing t9 stick t9 my w9rds 6ecause I can say s9 much m9re with them than I can with gifs. Frankly, I did n9t mean what I said in a harmful way. Y9u kn9w very well that Mituna's 6rain damage affects h9w every69dy views him. N9 9ne gives him any respect f9r it. Well, they sh9uld, 6ut it's hard when he acts s9 f9ul all the time. It's n9t my fault if Mituna triggers 9ther pe9ple 6ecause he fails t9 c9ntain himself at the necessary times, especially with all 9f th9se slurs he uses. Actually, it's pr96a6ly unlikely that I will 6e a6le t9 get him t9 understand. May6e y9u w9uld 6e a6le t9 talk t9 him f9r me. Y9u are m9irails, aren't y9u? May6e he'll listen t9 y9u. 9h, g9sh dang it, pard9n me, I f9rg9t t9 check my speaking privilege. Gif t9 him, may6e? Whatever w9uld 6e the pr9per term f9r y9ur means 9f c9mmunicating.
9h, and hell9 Rufi9h. I appreciate y9ur supp9rt, it truly means a l9t t9 me. I'm expecting my j9urney t9 be difficult and strenu9us, 6ut well w9rth it. Pe9ple and tr9lls and P9kem9n and gh9sts and aliens and whatever 6eings they might identify as may 6e a6le t9 j9in t9gether in peace when I am d9ne. H9w 6eautiful w9uld that 6e? F9r 9nce, every69dy w9uld trust each 9ther, all thanks t9 Kankri Vantas. And I appreciate y9u treating me the same as 9thers. I may 6e special, 6ut I d9 n9t deserve ridicul9us am9unts 9f praise. I am h9ping the 9thers w9n't treat me like a cele6rity, 6ut y9u have given me s9me c9nfidence with y9ur supp9rt. Thank y9u, Rufi9h. 6y the way, I did laugh at y9ur clever j9ke. Wing-Flutter. I might use that s9metime, assuming it is in the appr9priate c9ntext and will m9st certainly n9t cause wing dysph9ria t9 6eings identifying as having wings when they were n9t 69rn with them. Y9u 6est 6e careful a6out that t99, dysph9ria is n9t fun t9 deal with in the slightest. Y9u may even trigger s9me9ne.
Last Edit: Nov 12, 2012 1:22:18 GMT by Kankri Vantas
oh man, just hear1ng you talk1ng about such a peaceful un1ted world gets me pretty exc1ted about the prospect, you know???
1t would be totally bangarang 1f everyth1ng worked out for everyone 1n harmony, just l1ke 1n the an1me...
well, 1 guess the an1me 1sn't always PEACEful... then 1t wouldn't be exc1t1ng to watch... but no one ever offends or tr1ggers anyone, you know what 1'm say1ng? and the w1ld pokémon are usually super cute and fr1endly...
ah... d*mn, you caught me, bro... 1 just k1nda...accept my w1ngs as a th1ng 1 have and don't ever th1nk about how ment1on1ng them 1n casual conversat1on m1ght make someone feel rotten... my bad!!!
what's that you told me before? check my fl1ght pr1v1leges? 1'll do my best not to show off my w1ngs or my fly1ng, ahaha. 1n fact 1 don't th1nk 1've used them at all s1nce 1 got to kanto...
uh... sh*t, kurloz, 1 don't mean to butt 1n, but... take 1t easy there ok???
or are those just jok1ng-around g1f m1mes? 1 can never tell when those are k1dd1ng around or ser1ous...
Post by myballsareadesert on Nov 29, 2012 14:00:37 GMT
i think the mimes blog actually made more sense than this one and it was only made up of a slew of random gifs that have no relevance to each other really but gimme a second as i try and make a worthy comment to relate to the issues at hand #nazi rising 101 pay no attention to the hash tags im sure they dont have anything to do with this subject #the truth first off a youre jacking my color dude you are reaching over and jacking my red without even the slightest bit of hesitation or decorum do you often just reach over and grab things like that i think the fact you havent paid me yet is whats really offensive to me [/font]