Post by Kankri Vantas on Nov 11, 2012 3:37:09 GMT
Kankri Application
Name: Kankri Vantas
Starter Pokémon:
Scree the Zubat
Hometown: Blackthorn City, Johto
Appearance: Kankri is about 5’5”. He stands perfectly, with no slouch.
Kankri wears a big red sweater with a turtleneck. Though you can’t see it, as it’s covered up by his sweater, his pants are hiked up high, about up to below his chest.
He doesn’t hate the sweater, but he wears it with pride because he is, after all, presenting his blood color, which he is not ashamed of.
He’s a moderate weight, though slightly leaning towards chubby.
Biography: Kankri was raised by a crab-like lusus, Crabfather. His bond with his lusus was neutral, as his lusus was a nice lusus, but could be harsh at times, which bothered Kankri to extremes. He attempted to lecture Crabfather on how harmful his actions could be, but Crabfather refused to listen to them, so Kankri about gave up on him.
He got into social justice when he was young, only a few sweeps old, and discovered how horrible some trolls could be, like trolls born with cold blood disrespecting trolls born with warm blood because they were born with warm blood, or humans and trolls disrespecting Pokémon. He discovered a fairly small group of humans and trolls fighting for equality, and joined them immediately. Though them, he became more aware of the world, and swore he would defend any minority group. However, he mainly focuses on Pokémon rights, like how Poké balls are, or sending Pokémon into battle, even giving a “caught” Pokémon a name.
He doesn’t have a symbol, which is why he doesn’t wear one anywhere on him.
He finds the people in Johto to be very unpleasant, and impossible to teach to check their privilege, which is a big reason why he is going to Kanto
Personality: Kankri’s biggest obsession is social justice, of course. He spends most of his time attempting to correct the injustices of the world and the horrible views it may have. Which usually means belittling a random trainer because they attempt to start a Pokémon battle with him or someone else.
Kankri is really, very rude. He tends to start these discussions with anyone, even those he calls friends. No matter how small the injustice may be, such as using the term “lowblood” once, be prepared to receive a face full of equality speech, possible insults disguised in there.
He’s pretty much destined to throw one of his speeches in just about every conversation he has, and has no problem butting into other people’s conversations to correct them if they say anything that could be interpreted as rude. He might even appear out of what seems like absolutely no where to give one.
He has a crush on Latula Pyrope, which he would never confess to, but doesn’t keep it a well-hidden secret, either, as the way he acts around her makes it pretty obvious. She’s one of the few people that isn’t usually on the receiving end of one of his speeches, because of his crush.
Goal: Kankri’s goal is to bring Pokémon equality all throughout the region, and liberate Pokémon from unworthy trainers. He is also participating in the gym challenge, but due to his “Pokémon should not battle unless they want to” view, he’s going to have some difficulty battling in the first place.
Hell9 trainer, it’s nice speaking t9 y9u. I ask y9u, have y9u check y9ur privileges lately? H9w a69ut c9nsidered y9ur P9kem9n’s feelings? Yes, I didn’t think y9u did. After all, P9kem9n are merely t99ls f9r y9ur 9wn selfish needs, like “6attling”. Y9u didn’t even take int9 acc9unt that y9ur P9kem9n might n9t 6e interested in y9ur “6attling”, did y9u? Y9u pr96a6ly triggered them 6ecause y9u were t99 selfish t9 c9nsider that they d9n’t want t9 fight. It’s pr96a6ly terrified 9f y9u and 9ther P9kem9n 6ecause 9f this c9nstant “6attling”. Did y9u ever st9p t9 give them a 6reak? St9p t9 ask, “hey, are d9 y9u want t9 fight, 9r w9uld y9u rather step 6ack and n9t w9rry and may6e have s9me lem9nade t9 drink?” W9nder if y9ur P9kem9n is 9kay with 6eing 9wned by y9u. Th9se h9rri6le P9ke6alls, t99. Isn’t part 9f y9ur j9urney t9 enj9y and expl9re the w9rld with P9kem9n? But y9u keep them l9cked up in that little 6all 6ecause y9u can’t 6e 69thered t9 let them see the w9rld they call h9me? That is, unless they happen t9 6e alienkin. The 9nly way t9 cease triggering y9ur P9kem9n and let them live a happy, healthy life at this p9int is t9 release them and never c9me back t9 them. That’s what y9u need t9 d9, 9r else y9ur g9ing t9 harm P9kem9n y9ur entire life. And wh9’s t9 say that y9u w9n’t m9ve 9n t9 humans next? Tr9lls? [/blockquote]