Post by peregrinealbatross on Aug 28, 2012 0:06:38 GMT
preparati0ns and expectati0ns Entry 1, April 12th
----- i'm just starting this bl0g ahead 0f time s0 that way i w0nt end up making it in a rushed manner i mean i might need it really badly in the future but this bl0g will be ab0ut my adventures into the w0rld and ab0ut any exciting things i find! im really excited to get 0ut and expl0re th0ugh ill miss my lusus a l0t im already missing her just thinking ab0ut it but anyway im getting everything t0gether t0 head 0ut t0m0rr0w i h0pe this will be a great adventure and i h0pe t0 find a l0t of c00l things ar0und the reig0n! my current plan is t0 g0 t0 vermili0n city s0 i can meet s0me 0f my friends at the d0cks adventuring t0gether w0uld make this s0 much m0re fun after all! but thats ab0ut it f0r n0w i have to finish my preparations bef0re it gets t00 late i h0pe t0 see y0u all ar0und th0ugh! ----- Comments: