/Bad thread name oh well. Okay, so we know the titles of the characters, right? John is the Heir of Breath, Karkat is the Knight of Blood, Nepeta is the Rogue of Heart, Jake is the Page of Hope, etc. Maybe you have a title like that for yourself. Did you get it from a test? Maybe a friend gave it to you, or you appointed it for yourself? No matter the way, you may or may not have one for youself. If you do not, I recommend checking out this test: thepageofhopes.tumblr.com/post/13517446964/homestuck-title-test It's long, but it's something nice to do if you have nothing better to do, or have a lot of free time, I suppose.
So feel free to share results on the test, or just titles you use in general for youself. Maybe even titles you use for you friends, if you want.
To start up the topic: From the test posted above, I typically get Knight of Breath, though I have found I like to consider myself Mage of Life or Page of Blood, I suppose. This is because Mage and Page both fit me well, as well do Life and Bood. And because Blood and Life are my second/third most frequent, along with Page and Mage respectively.
I'm the Soul of Doom. BUT, If I had gotten a healthier level (by 1 level) when it came to the Enneagram, I would have been tied between Soul of Time and Soul of Space.
I went and redid it myself sometime last night, and had gotten Knight of Blood. Nice to know I'm Karkat. Other than Knight being a leading role, as it turns out, it fits me rather well. Blood so happens to fit me rather well as well.