Color: Blue. I love all shades, but light blue/sky blue is sooo pretty. Music: Like, everything but rap. But preferred stuff is 80s music (power and love ballads, man.) and stuff from musicals. <333 Movie: SO DIFFICULT. For the longest time it was Finding Nemo, but now I think it's Up? YOU CAN'T EXPECT ME TO CHOOSE THERE ARE TOO MANY GOOD ONES AHHH Book: Again, impossible to pick. Though if I had to, I'd say maaaybe Angels and Demons? I'm not big on the whole debate that was in the book, but I just couldn't put it down. So many twists and turns! Animal:PANDAS. I LOVE THEM. Food: Eaarrgghh. Another tough one. Buuut I'd have to say cheese tortellini. <333 Favorite dessert is brownies 100%. Subject: History and Band. That's pretty much my life. XD Games All of the 'Tales of' games. All of Valve's games. League of Legends (if anyone else plays we should exchange names =D). Pokemon (if you have wifi we should battle sometime =D). All of the Fire Emblem games. I play pretty much anything thrown at me aside from Halo. Homestuck: Karkat and John hold special places in my heart. But. I also am a lover of everyone. Sport: Errrgghhh...Does internet count as a sport?
okay so my dad installed norton on my computer and now suddenly the cbox isnt working. fuuuuuuuuuck. im just going to casually whine about it here. i'm available via DA, FB or PMs here, though.