Post by Nepeta Leijon on Jan 22, 2012 19:44:43 GMT
jeez. thank you aa and john. kk just calm down just becau2e iim not goiing wiith you doe2nt mean you have two take thiing2 2o 2eriiou2ly and offen2iively.
2o anyway2 ii got back from tryiing two go catch a certaiin pokemon. iit diidnt work out well at all. let me ju2t 2ay that i acciidentally caught 2omethiing el2e wiith my only poke ball. 2hiit iit 2ucks. not goiing two 2ay what though becau2e iim 2mart enough two know that all iit would do ii2 cau2e 2ome laugh2.
Last Edit: Jan 22, 2012 19:45:24 GMT by Nepeta Leijon
Post by Nepeta Leijon on Jan 22, 2012 19:50:03 GMT
ii caught a weedle alriight? ii wa2 tryiing two catch a piikachu 2iince iit2 a pretty cool electriic-type and all but iit realiized or 2omethiing that ii wa2 tryiing two catch iit and moved out of the way or 2omethiing. and my poke ball ju2t happened to hiit a weedle. ugh ju2t my luck.
Post by Nepeta Leijon on Jan 22, 2012 19:55:22 GMT
yeah iit doe2 2o iit2 better than gettiing a caterpiie or 2omethiing but iit2 2tiill annoyiing. iit evolves iinto beedriill but not to mentiion iit2 a bug and poiison-type 2o iit2 pretty weak. e2peciially compaiired to your ga2tly beiing gengar ii2 generally very 2trong. though weedle evolve2 quiickly 2o ii gue22 iit wont be two bad. at the very lea2t iit mean2 ii'll have an evolved pokemon before everyone el2e for the better or the wor2e.
Post by coolkidapocalypse on Jan 22, 2012 20:02:48 GMT
maybe y0ull be the str0ngest 0f 0ur team whenever that happens d0esnt having ev0lved p0kem0n make y0urs str0nger than every0ne else until they catch up?